Marriage Reform

You’ve likely heard the news—recession, inflation, layoffs, healthcare reform, abortion rights, and more. All of these point to one thing: the devil is spreading confusion wherever he can. But none of this surprises God. The devil has tried before—he failed in Eden with Adam and Eve, urged Job to curse God, and took Naomi’s family, …

You’ve likely heard the news—recession, inflation, layoffs, healthcare reform, abortion rights, and more. All of these point to one thing: the devil is spreading confusion wherever he can. But none of this surprises God. The devil has tried before—he failed in Eden with Adam and Eve, urged Job to curse God, and took Naomi’s family, yet she still triumphed. Instead of stressing over things beyond our control, like political and social reforms, it’s time to focus on what we can control. Remember, it’s often the smaller issues, like healthcare debates, not the bigger ones like family, that distract us the most. Focusing on social changes at the expense of your marriage won’t alter God’s plan for you. Instead, devote more time to prayer and strengthening your family. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

"A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other, even on the days when they struggle to like each other."

Be Accountable

Be Accountable

Trust is a key foundation of a healthy relationship. Trust grows when you honor your commitments and follow through on what you say you will do. Your relationship will thrive when you remain accountable to God for the promises you make to your spouse.
Listen—When you learn to listen more than speak, you become more attuned to your partner’s feelings and thoughts, giving yourself time to reflect before responding. Couples who communicate clearly are more likely to overcome challenges and stay together. Remember, you have two ears and one mouth; don’t let a single mouth undo what you’ve built over the years. Listen more, and respond with God’s wisdom—or sometimes, simply remain quiet.
Let Go of The Past—The devil often use the past to torment you, shaping how you view yourself and the world around you. Don’t let it keep you from the relationship God desires for you. Seek counseling especially If you’ve experienced pain in your marriage or are currently hurting. Though it may seem difficult to believe, the path to true joy lies in surrendering all your burdens to God and trusting Him to handle them. While you may never forget, embrace forgiveness and move forward.
Offer Compliments—Compliments are a simple yet impactful way to strengthen your relationships. Share with your partner the things you appreciate and admire about them, even the little details.
Express Gratitude—Making your partner feel appreciated is essential in any relationship. A simple “thank you” can go a long way. Whether they help around the house or do something kind for you, ensure they know how grateful you are.
Embrace Your True Self—While it may be challenging, set aside the opinions of others and focus on being authentically you. This will lead to greater fulfillment and happiness in life, and the best part is that you’ll stand out as a unique individual. Remember, you are one of a kind!”
Give and Share a Hug—You’ve likely heard that any form of touch, including hand-holding, can enhance your happiness by boosting endorphins and elevating your mood. A bit of physical connection can also help reduce stress and promote relaxation.”
Turn Off The Gadgets —While watching a show together can be enjoyable, it’s not what strengthens your relationship. Occasionally, switch off the phone and TV screen and dedicate time to simply talk and focus on one another. I love taking walks with my spouse and chatting about anything and everything.
Be Open To Resolution—There will inevitably be times when you and your partner disagree. Work together to find a middle ground that both of you can accept, and prioritize resolving issues quickly.
Be Creative—Relationships require a balance of security and adventure. While it’s comforting to know your partner is always there, it’s easy to fall into a routine. Keep things exciting by introducing spontaneity and surprises, like special dates or small gestures of kindness. Even something as simple as their favorite snack or meal can make a big difference.

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“The best marriages are built on teamwork, mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and never-ending acts of love and kindness.”

Avoid Placing Blame—Instead of assigning blame, recognize that when a problem arises, it’s not productive to focus on who is at fault. Shift your attention to finding solutions. This approach not only resolves issues but also fosters stronger relationships by emphasizing collaboration over conflict.”
Schedule Date Nights—It’s essential to carve out time for your significant other amidst your busy life. Even if you live together, prioritize quality time together without distractions. Turn off your phones, engage in conversation, share jokes, and enjoy each other’s company.”
Invest Time and Money—While anyone can buy extravagant gifts or dine at fancy restaurants, these gestures, though nice, aren’t essential for creating meaningful experiences. Often, a heartfelt love note, a fun board game, or a picnic in the park can be far more romantic and memorable than anything money can buy.
Enjoy Family Dinners—Mealtime is an excellent opportunity for families to come together. Sharing meals has been associated with improved nutrition, and children who participate in family dinners tend to achieve better grades and have a more positive outlook on their futures.
Exercise—Staying active can enhance your mood both in the short and long term. It releases powerful endorphins that lift your spirits and boost your self-esteem. Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and can prevent various diseases. You don’t need a fancy gym; simply go for a walk outside, follow a workout video, or hit the dance floor. Even better, you can enjoy ‘sexercising’ at any time of the day.
Prioritize Getting More Sleep—Most of us don’t get nearly enough. Insufficient sleep can impact various aspects of life, leading to irritability and moodiness. While a busy schedule may make it difficult to go to bed early, aim to establish a consistent bedtime routine that ensures you get enough rest, allowing you to perform at your best during waking hours as a couple
Maintain Balance in Your Life—Avoid letting someone else’s schedule dictate or overwhelm your own. Strive to find equilibrium among ministry, work, home, and personal interests. While achieving this balance is often easier said than done, remember that with God, all things are possible. Instead of focusing on the overwhelming big issues, it can be beneficial to address smaller problems first.

Implementing these strategies can enhance your life and foster a healthier, happier marital relationship. Stay committed to one another, put in the effort, and set regular challenges—daily, weekly, or monthly—whether daily, weekly, or monthly—to bring joy into your lives and home.

Leke & Tinu ❤
Thank you and God bless you

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